What is Average High Low Temperature?
The sum of high temperatures/low temperatures divided by the number of days in that month, recorded daily
High Temperature
What is Average High Low Temperature?
The sum of high temperatures/low temperatures divided by the number of days in that month, recorded daily
Low Temperature
What is Chance of Rain?
This is based on historical weather data, how many days has it rained in the past during this month over a period of years of recorded weather
Chance of Rain
What is Chance of Windy Day?
Taking historical wind data for a month at a certain threshold wind speed. Take the number of days the wind was above this threshold, and divide that by the days in the month to determine the chance of a windy day
Chance of Windy Day
What is Chance of Fog Day?
Based on historical weather data, this percentage is determined by the chance of fog for that month over a preiod of years