What's the Weather like in Athens in August
Temperatures in Athens in July reached their highest point for the year, and they don't cool off much in August.
The average temperature this month is 27°C (81°F), which is the same as it was in July, while the average low is 22°C (72°F), and the average high is just slightly lower than in July at 31°C (88°F).
Similarly to the month prior, the weather in August is consistent throughout the entire month. The average daily temperature remains at 27°C (81°F) for the beginning, middle, and end of the month, while there is virtually no rain and plenty of sunshine at all times as well.
The weather in August is predictable, which makes planning easy, as the weather rarely fluctuates from one day to the next. The lowest ever recorded temperature in Athens in August is 10°C (50°F), while the highest ever recorded temperature is 40°C (104°F).
Sunshine Hours
Although the temperature barely changes from July to August, the amount of sunshine does vary. The average amount of daily sunshine falls from ten hours in July to eight hours in August. Rainfall
The average rainfall in August is 10mm spread out over just one day, meaning that it virtually never rains in Athens this month. Same as in July .
Sea Temperature
The drop-off in the amount of daily sunshine does not affect the temperature of the sea however. The average sea temperature in August is 25°C (77°F), which is the warmest in gets in Athens all year.
Water at this temperature is considered comfortable and warm by all, regardless of the duration. Warm outside temperatures and warm sea water make August an extremely popular time to visit beaches near Athens.
Although Athens is relatively not humid year-round, the humidity levels in August drop to the lowest of the year. The average humidity this month is just 50%, which is very comfortable and completely unnoticeable, although it does make for a rather dry environment.
Other weather
There is also an average of zero snow/fog days in Athens in August.
Athens Beach for August
Porto Rafti Beach
Due to its proximity to Athens, Porto Rafti Beach is a popular beach, but especially so in August, with Athenians joining the tourists on vacation here.
Swimming is also popular here, as the water is very calm since the beach is protected from the wind because of naturally formed islands off of the coast.
There are places to rent sunbeds and umbrellas, as well as a parking area should you choose to drive.
Located just off of the beach is Agyrovoli restaurant, serving fresh seafood and Greek wines, with a view of the sea. Porto Rafti Beach is about a 37 minute drive from the city centre of Athens
Votsalakia Beach
Votsalakia Beach is another beach that is close to Athens, making it a favorite of visitors staying in the city, and locals trying to escape the warm temperatures.
The beach is made up of mostly pebbles, with a small amount of sand, and is very clean.
The beach is protected from the wind, making the water calm and great for swimming, but wearing water shoes is recommended because of the pebbles.
There are some facilities on the beach, as well as an area to play volleyball. Located about a 15 minute walk into the city from the beach is Barcode-Tapas Bar, offering Greek tapas with a Spanish influence, as well as a variety of drinks.
Votsalakia Beach is about a 13 minute drive from Athens city centre and is accessible via city bus.
Bars and Restaurants
For gourmet Greek meals, go to Orizontes restaurant on the hill of Lycabettus, Athens. Interestingly, the hill is the highest peak in Athens.
Dine with an absolutely sensational, panoramic view of the beautiful city, this place can be enjoyed during the day or in the evening.
The Mediterranean menu draws inspiration from many Greek recipes, you can choose a more traditional dish or something modernised. The fresh ingredients and helpful staff help Orizontes get a very high rating.
Whether you're looking for a romantic meal or something for the family, you will want to keep coming back here!
The warm August weather is ideal for eating outside in the evenings. Just make sure you pack mosquito repellent.
Things to do in Athens in August
Museum Heraklion
The Museum Herakleidon opened in 2004 and its collection is made up of artists (like Henri Toulouse-Lautrec and M.C. Escher) who have had (or do have) a significant role in the "evolution of Art."
The goal of the museum is to show its visitors how various artists have changed their work (evolved) over time. In order to do this, both finished pieces and sketches/drawings/personal items that help explain how the artists got from point A to point B are on display.
They also have temporary exhibitions such as "Edvard Munch, Beyond the Scream," which detailed other paintings done by Munch, besides his famous "The Scream" painting.
Admission is 6 and the museum is open from 1 PM to 9 PM on Tuesday through Saturday, and 11 AM to 7 PM on Sundays.
They are closed on Mondays and are located about a 20 minute walk from the city centre.
August is the perfect time to see the full moon in Athens. Keep your eyes peeled at night to see the beautiful view lighting up the sky.
Monasitiraki Square
Exploring Monastiraki square and flea market is recommended in August as the weather is warm and there is a lovely atmospheric hustle and bustle.
For splendid views of the city visit 360 bar and treat yourself to a delicious, refreshing cocktail.