What's the weather like in Agadir in November
Agadir may see its best, sunniest weather in the summer, but it's becoming increasingly popular as a holiday destination in the winter. The average daily temperature varies less than 10°C throughout the month. Average highs reach 21°C and lows 12°C, with the daily average a very pleasant 17°C throughout most of the day. The highest historical temperature recorded November during the past 20 years was 34°C. You see cloudy days on average 32% of the time during this month.
Average Sunshine Hours
During the latter half of the month the sun doesn't rise until after 7AM and sets before six. The sun shines brightly for 7 hours per day and you will see daylight 11 hours daily.
UV Averages
The UV index for the month is 4, moderate, so try to seek a shady spot at midday and don't forget to still use sunblock when outside.
Rainfall almost doubles from October to November and averages a little over two inches total for the month. Rain should not disrupt your holiday though. The average four days of rain are usually spread out throughout the month. The rainfall occurring on any particular day does not last very long. Wind speed actually drops a bit from October to an average of 12 kilometres per hour.
At 12°C the dew point makes for very pleasant days throughout the month. Morning relative humidity as in the previous month reaches highs of 88% and drops to lows of 65% at night.
Average Sea Temperature
The average temperature of the sea is 20°C which is not too chilly. Few hotel pools are heated so evening swims, once the sun has had a chance to warm up the water, would likely be more enjoyable than early morning dips.
Agadir Hotels in November
The Suite Hotel Boutique has everything you would expect from a higher end hotel including fine in-house dining and a large pool. Location is fine, near the beach, and even if you don't stay here you should check out the spacious hotel bar.
The Royal Decameron has an all-inclusive meal plan, spa, outdoor tennis courts and other amenities to make your stay special. It is located on the north end of the main Agadir beachfront by the harbour.
More budget friendly but still offering all-inclusive meal plans is the El Pueblo Tamlelt. For families, there is a kids club and kids pool. There is also a fitness centre, spa, and mini golf.
A bit out in the country but still in Agadir is the Paradis Nomade. Surrounded by countryside, the relaxing and welcoming atmosphere is perfect for those who want to be near the beach but also want a place to get away and unwind.
Agadir Beach for November
Worries about finding a place to set your towel down on the beach disappear in November. Sidi Toual beach has easy access and all the amenities one could desire. Situated south of the mouth of the Souss River, you will find the beach one of the best in Morocco.
Laayoune Beach has enough unspoiled beach areas that you can drive or walk for miles unmolested. You will need a scooter or rented car to get there but it is worth the cost.
The Tarfaya area, a former Spanish colonial zone, has excellent beaches away from the tourist centres. A day excursion to Tarfaya beaches will take you close to the Sahara desert and various excursions to the desert are possible.
Bars and Restaurants
Coffee shops litter the landscape in the downtown area as well as along the beach front. A great place which is near the Yacht Club by the harbour is Le Senso. The patio tables have great views looking down the beach. The Anais Café is very French and another wonderful coffee shop on Avenue Mouley-Abdelah.
When you think tennis you don't usually think food but at the Royal Tennis Courts in downtown Agadir the Cote Court Restaurant has a beautiful decor and great food. The indoor garden dining area is elegant and the food presentation excellent.
If you would rather stay by the beach for dinner then try La Corniche along the promenade. French and Mediterranean cuisines are served there.
Things to do in Agadir in November
If you take a day trip to the mountains, don't forget to stop at the Hotel Kerdous. The hotel used to be the old Kasbah and is located about half way between Tafraoute and Tiznit. Reservations are required if you want to eat lunch or dinner there.
By Tznit is the Lalla Zninia Spring. Various legends about the location abound including that the spring was named for a repentant prostitute who was rewarded for changing her ways by the miraculous appearance of the spring. Mostly dried up now, Lallia's alleged tomb is right around the corner.
By Essaouira beach you can find the ruins of the so-called "Sultan's Palace" where Jimi Hendrix supposedly imagined and later wrote the song, "Castles in the Sand." A bit off the beaten track, there are no amenities nearby, but that gives the location the added attraction of privacy and solitude.
If you are looking for pottery try one of the stalls along the Passage Ait Souss. Here you will find the cheapest prices but only if you are good at bargaining.