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Sunrise 06:41
Sunset 19:06
Sunrise 06:41
Sunset 19:06
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Updated at 02:01 GMT
Sunrise 06:43
Sunset 19:05
Temp feels like:
5ºC (41 ºF)
Length of day:
12h 22m
30" (1019 hpa)
6 miles (10 km)
Wind speed:
10 km/h
In summer the highest average daytime temperature is 300C and the lowest average evening temperature is 160C. The highest temperature recorded in summer is 410C in the months of June and August and the lowest recorded is 80C in the months of June and July. The most popular time to visit Pollensa is in the summer as temperatures rarely fall below 100C and remains around 300C so going to the beach to sunbathe and water sports are perfect in this weather. In the summer you need to look out for local holidays as this can mean places can be shut. Early booking of your holiday to Pollensa is essential during this season as this resort has become one of Europeâs prime holiday destinations.
Pollensa weather is typically fine and dry across all seasons and rain is rare with the most rainfall usually seen in the month of October. The months of May through to October are great for sunbathing and the months of October through to April are great for outdoor activities such as golf. The resort provides a consistent climate throughout the year.