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Sunrise 07:04
Sunset 19:22
Sunrise 07:04
Sunset 19:22
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Updated at 12:01 GMT
Sunrise 07:04
Sunset 19:22
Temp feels like:
14ºC (57 ºF)
Length of day:
12h 18m
30" (1023 hpa)
6 miles (10 km)
Wind speed:
7 km/h
Adeje has good weather throughout the year with warm temperatures in the summer months and equally warm temperatures in the winter months. The months of August and September see the highest average temperatures at 24°C. The winter months of January and February see the lowest average temperatures at 18°C which is still very pleasant weather to enjoy days out. Temperatures can reach a low of 14°C in the winter months of January and February but that is the coldest temperatures get in Adeje for the whole year.
The month with the highest rainfall is December, seeing an average of 75mm over 13 days. The month with the lowest rainfall is July which will only see 1mm of rain over 4 days. The maximum hours of sunshine in Adeje are 10 hours in July whilst the lowest hours of sunshine are 6 hours in the months of November, December and January, which is pretty good for winter!
The sea temperature stays fairly even throughout the year ranging from 19°C in the winter months of January and February to 23°C in August, September and October. Because of the warm average temperatures and pleasant sea temperatures throughout the year, this resort is very popular choice of holiday destination for many holidaymakers.
Adeje is located on the south west coast of Tenerife in the Canary Islands and it takes roughly 4 hours 30 minutes to fly from the UK to Adeje, but of course the duration can change depending where in the UK you will be departing or if you are flying from another country.
A view of Sandy El Duque beach
The summer months in Adeje, Tenerife start from June till September and see the highest average temperatures throughout the year. Starting in June, the average temperature is 21°C which increases to 23°C in July. Moving into August and September the average temperature increases to 24°C which is the highest temperature in the year. During the summer months, high temperatures can reach up to 26°C or 27°C with evening lows of a milder 19-21°C. Even if you have a day during your stay which sees lower temperatures, it is still more than warm enough to go and do all the things you want to do. However, you can always check the weather forecast before planning your day.
Starting in June the average rainfall is 5mm but moving into July the average rainfall for the month is just 1mm which is the lowest in the year. In August, the average rainfall increases to 3mm which is still very low and then again to 13mm in September which is the most rain summer will receive.
July will also have 10 hours of sunshine which is allows for a lovely amount of time to spend outside. August and June both receive slightly less with 9 hours a day each and the figure drops to 8 hours per day in September as autumn approaches. In June the average sea temperature is 21°C but it increases in July to a warm 22°C then moving into August and September it reaches its annual peak of 23°C lovely for swimming!
A view of Sandy El Duque beach Image 2
The autumn months in Adeje, Tenerife last only briefly from October to November and enjoy ongoing lovely warm weather. Starting in October, the average temperature is 23°C which then decreases to 21°C in November. During these months, temperatures can still reach a high of up to 26°C and have a low of 18°C in the evenings. Whether the temperatures are at their highest, lowest or anywhere in-between, you will still be able enjoy everything about Adeje including the beaches and waterparks.
In October there are 7 hours of sunshine each day to enjoy, which then decreases to 6 hours in November which is the lowest amount of sunshine hours in the year along with December and January. Nonetheless, October sees an average sea temperature of 23°C which is the highest sea temperature in the year along with the summer months of August and September, so swimming is still possible during the first month of autumn. The chance of there being a cloudy day is only 3% in October, which then increases to 7% in November which is the highest in the year along with April.
Bench on sea promenade in Costa Adeje
From December until February experiences the lowest average temperatures in the year for Adeje but the weather is still sunny and fine. Starting from December, the average temperature is 19°C which then decreases to 18°C in January and February which is the lowest average temperature of the year. Nevertheless, the winter months can have temperatures reaching a high of 22°C whilst lows of 14°C at night are the lowest annual temperatures but are still not very cold.
The average sea temperature in December is a very pleasant 20°C and then moving onto January and February will decrease to 19°C which is the lowest sea temperature in the year but if you are brave you could perhaps still swim! December and January will also see a 6% chance of a cloudy day which will then decrease to 3% by February. Throughout winter there are still 6 or 7 sunshine hours per day which is an improvement on other locations in northern Europe.
Coastal promenade
Spring in Adeje starts in March and sees lovely warm temperatures throughout. In March and April the average temperature is 19°C which then increases to 20°C in May. There are also peaks of 22-23°C and lows of 16°C have noticeably improved since winter.
This is a damper time of the year however with the average rainfall at 42mm in March, decreasing to 31mm in April and then again in May to 11mm. March will also see 7 hours of sunshine which will increase to 8 hours in April and then again to 9 hours in May indicating summer is well on its way. Starting in March and April, the average sea temperature is 19°C which is the lowest of the year along with January and February, but it then increases to 20°C in May.
If you would like to see how these averages are calculated please visit this page.
Weather Hazards
During the months of February and March dust storms can be quite common in the area and will occur on between two to seven days a year, lasting between two to twenty two days if they occur. The months of July and August can also see bushfires, but this has never stopped holidaymakers flying to Adeje as disruption is kept minimal. The months from December through to March could experience floods due to a deepening low pressure system located just west of the Canary Islands.